Great Weekend!

This weekend, Conor and I spent over 7 hours total in the car. On Saturday, our first stop was Creative Fibers, my absolute favorite LYS in Connecticut. I figured since I was going to be in the car a lot, I should get some emergency knitting supplies. I brought along some socks I’ve been working on but I haven’t been super excited about knitting them so I needed a back up project.



The scarf is knit using Stacy Charles Ritratto. It’s so fuzzy and sparkly and not me at all but for some reason, I was drawn to it. The socks are Regia Galaxy which totally reminds me of an 80’s sci-fi movie. Conor calls these my laser socks. So back to the trip. On Saturday, after hitting the yarn store, we went to Boston so Conor could bottle some of his homebrew he made with our pal, Carleton. They’re officially known as C&C Brewing Factory (get it? get it?). Anyway, on Sunday we headed to Northampton to see The Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, speak. I have to say, I think her books and blog are pretty funny but she is HILARIOUS in person. Conor was even cracking up. 


I went to Webs before the event and got my book signed. I got a little shy when it was my turn and forgot to say ANYTHING. No big deal. I’ll be sure to at least say “hey” next time. Maybe it was just the yarn-induced coma I was in that prevented me from speaking. This weekend was my first time at Webs and I was blown away. Especially, by the walls of discounted yarn in the back of the store. I spent way more than I should but everything was discounted and I came home with some great stuff. Photo time!


Conor gets attacked

Cascade 220 Heathers (I’m thinking vest)

Alpaca Sox (maybe for the Lace Ribbon Scarf)

Great Adirondack Yarn Co. Soxie 

Austermann Step (Socks for Conor)


Happy dance for the skirt and the nice weather. It was a gorgeous morning here in Hamden, CT. I somehow managed to pry my little brother away from his video games to help me take photos of my projects. Above, is a pleated skirt I made using a pattern from Sew What! Skirts by Francesca DenHartog. I love the way the pleats look but they never stay. I find myself checking to make sure the pleats are still set at the hem. I think after a few more pressings, the fabric should remember. The fabric, that’s another thing I love about the skirt. I’ve been eyeing this fabric for awhile now but could never decide what to do with it. 

In the book, the skirt is titled “Asian Dream” and that is exactly what this fabric reminds me of. The colors are so vibrant and perfect for a spring skirt. Actually, I tried wearing this thing with my wool coat last weekend and ended up showing half of Boston my behind so…it is definitely a spring skirt. 

Next up, an apron.

So, I’ve made a couple of aprons from vintage patterns that are a bit much. I think they’re really fun and great to look at but they’re not too functional. I’ve been making simple, functional aprons with fun fabrics. This is probably  the most basic apron I’ve made. It only covers the thigh, has a simple tie in the back and it’s reversible, just cause. I think I have to make a dress or top with this color combo because I kind of fell in love with it while sewing. 

More photos when the official photog (Conor) is back.

Time for an update

Life is busy again. I left the retail world and joined the IT world at Yale. The job is only temporary, about 3-4 months, but there is hope! I could either a) get hired for a full-time position at Yale or b) save up enough to get out of here! I’m always thinking of San Francisco but sometimes reality enters my irrational mind (this is rare but it happens) and I think about the cost of living out there and it scares me half to death. Maybe I’ll return to Boston or try out New York. As long as it’s a city with public transport, I think I’ll be okay with it. This spending $40/week on gas thing is getting really old. It’s tough on the wallet and the conscience.

While I’m sharing, I should mention that I’m finally moving out of Mom and Dad’s house. It’s been great, and not so great, these past 3 months but I’m happy to be moving on. Conor and I found a little place in Wallingford that should suit our needs while we’re deciding what to do next. As happy as I am to be moving out, I have to admit I’m going to be a little sad to leave behind the little sewing room my dad has made for me. I’ve been able to sew without any distractions and without getting in the way of everyone else in the house. I could even have my sewing machine and serger set up all at once without having to unplug anything. It looks like I’m going back to pinking shears and zig-zag stitches.

In additon to being busy with work, I’ve been busy with the normal knitting and sewing which, also means I’ve been too  busy to take photos during the daylight hours. Hopefully, I can get outside before 6:30 tomorrow. Thanks for all the suggestions on what to put on my cards! I’ve narrowed it down to Fiber Artist and Textile Artist. When it’s time to print them, I figure I can just flip a coin and ta-da!